Issue instant quotes and handle policy conversations through a virtual assistant designed to respect social norms and carrier branding.
Let a virtual assistant handle claims with predictable characteristics, from registration to payout. For complex claims, deploy ‘whisper’ agents who guide complex-claim adjusters in their customer interactions.
Most people don’t like filling out forms. Use virtual assistants for “form filling” tasks and submit to integrated back-ends or RPAs for verification, saving time for policyholders, brokers, and employees.
Use virtual assistants as personalized shopping guides and robo-advisors to educate customers about available policy options for round-the-clock support across all channels. Provide precise recommendations and perform the next best action.
Through integration with IoT services, send loss-prevention alerts and notifications via natural language conversation. The virtual assistant can explain preventative actions or take action itself with the consent of the policyholder.
Here are some of the use cases that our language models can handle out-of-the-box: